Code of Conduct (Keene Wolverines)

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Keene Wolverines Code of Conduct & Expectations



We are bound by the Keene Wolverines constitution. A copy of this can be found on our website. We will strive for fair ice (different than equal ice time) there may be situations were a shift is missed or lines are juggled based on the score/game situation/effort/attitude etc.  We will treat all players as equals and not discriminate based on a player’s physical ability and/or experience and will strive to provide fair playing time amongst all players. One of those ‘equals’ requires kids to attend practices regularly. If they don’t, and have no valid reason for their absence or fail to inform their coach, they shouldn’t expect to always play a regular shift in a game. We will be keeping attendance records for our practice sessions and games. Player attitude and effort are equally important and will also reflect playing time.  It is the coaching staff’s discretion as to the attitude and effort being put forth.  If a member of the staff feels that there is an ongoing issue they will address it with player/parent in a timely manner.

Advance notice of any absences allows your coaches to make adjustments to their roster or call players up to replace (where possible).  So please make us aware of any planned vacation or absences as soon as you know of them and any unplanned sicknesses or issues as soon as possible.

It is mandatory that you contact the coach or a team staff member to let them know that you are unable to attend a practice or game.




We represent our self, team, Keene Wolverines, town and our sport. A bad impression is hard to erase. We want to discourage obvious misuse of profanity and inappropriate behavior on the ice, coming off the ice, in the dressing room, in the arena of spectators, at out of town facilities and on all social media platforms. 


PLAYERS: Play for fun and work hard to improve your skills.  We demand fair play and respect for one another. Players are expected to be respectful to their fellow teammates, opponents, coaches and game officials at all times. During games, players not on the ice are required to watch and encourage fellow teammates. Players are expected to keep their hands to themselves, not interfere with another player’s possessions (ie. water bottle, equipment) and to use appropriate language.  After an initial warning, if any unacceptable behavior continues or repeats, it will be addressed with the player and parent and may result in disciplinary action.  Do not address the officials in a negative manner, if the coaches have a query for the referees they will address it.

PARENTS: Remember the ultimate goal is for your child(ren) to have fun.  Please be encouraging and positive during all interactions with our team, other teams, and relatives/fans of both teams and our game officials. Our officials/referees have a right to govern the game using their best judgment without negative interaction with coaches/parents or players. Know the rules of the game and support the officials on and off the ice.  This will help in the development of the sport.  Criticism only hurts the game and your child.  No official has ever said “I’m sorry random parent/coach screaming at me, I will reverse my call.” Unless there is an issue with player safety we will keep our opinions to a minimum.  A coach should not have to take any abuse from parents and any such happening should be reported to the Parent Liaison or President.  Applaud a good effort in both victory and defeat; reinforce the positive points of the game.  Recognize the importance of volunteer coaches.  They're important to the development of your child and the sport.  Profanity and objectionable cheers or gestures are offensive; cheer in a positive manner and encourage fair play. Do not coach from the stands, allow the coaching staff the opportunity to direct the players as they see fit.  Abide by the 24 hour rule.  If you are upset or need to speak to the coach regarding something that happened in a game or practice, you must wait 24 hours before speaking to the coach regarding any matter.  If, after addressing with the coaching staff, you are still unsatisfied, contact the Parent Liaison. 

COACHES: The coach’s role is to teach fundamentals and be an inspirational leader to their players and use programs recommended by the Executive. To run their practice in an efficient manner so that no player is standing around, but moving as much as possible.  They should pre-plan all practices to avoid any delay. To provide their players with balanced playing time during exhibition, league and tournament games with the aim to develop a whole team so that when participating in playoffs the need to shorten their bench may not need to occur as often.  To be respectful to officials (do not yell, use profanity, stand on boards etc..), opposing team staff, players of both teams, and all other arena guests while representing Keene Wolverines in an appropriate manner.