Return to Play Jan 31!, News (Keene Wolverines)

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Jan 28, 2022 | Jennifer Stewart | 650 views
Return to Play Jan 31!
Welcome Back Wolverines!


Well the good news is in - we are getting back on the ice!! Return to play is as of 12:01am January 31, 2022

Please check the online schedule - it has been updated until the end of February HOWEVER some times will need to be rescheduled from the previous 3 weeks so please be prepared for some changes.  Your team managers/coaches will keep you updated on those changes. 

With the return to play, comes a few changes to arena protocols. 

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL as there are some significant changes as we get back at it. 

Updated protocols for the Otonabee Memorial Community Centre will be taking effect on Monday January 31, 2022

Significant Point of Interest to make sure all participants and volunteers are aware of!

As of January 4, 2022 - In settings that require proof of vaccination, (i.e. sports facilities) patrons must present an enhanced vaccine certificate with a QR code prior to entry. Businesses and organizations must scan the QR code using the Verify Ontario app. The enhanced vaccine certificate ensures that vaccine certificates are authentic. Vaccine receipts without a QR code are no longer accepted. A piece of photo ID is still required to verify your identity matches that of the vaccine certificate.


Proof of Vaccination (POV) QR Code Scanning and Active Screening, Contact Tracing

Contact Tracing – Contact Tracing is no longer required

POV Scanning and Active Screening - The Township has decided to handle all Proof of Vaccination Scanning as well as actively screening anyone entering the facility. We have hired a security company to help us with this process.


With contact tracing no longer required and POV checks and active screening being completed by Township staff and a third party, renters are no longer responsible for contact tracing, active screening, and POV checks. We ask that you continue to help us ensure that members of your group including spectators are following all other protocols and public health measures that are in place. 

Spectators – Hockey

2 spectators per participant – Example: If the combined number of players and coaches is 30, their can be no more than 60 spectators

Spectators – Curling

1 spectator per participant

General Protocols

  • Masks must be worn at all times while in the facility except while participating in physical activity such as hockey/skating or curling
  • Entry will be permitted 30 minutes before rental time for players and spectators for both the hockey ice and curling
  • Dressing Rooms are open for full use. If you would like to use the Small Hall still for more space to spread out please let me know and I will include that on the schedule  
  • Physical distancing is not required but our facility is restricted to 50% capacity. We strongly recommend that visitors practice physical distancing wherever possible


I want to reiterate that all participants and members over the age of 12 MUST have a QR Code -  that if they do not have the vaccine certificate containing  a valid QR Code they will not be permitted entry into the arena. This will be required and scanned EVERY time you enter. 

Thank you to everyone again for your patience, understanding and co-operation We are extremely excited to welcome you all back next week!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out at any time.

Thank you

Jen Stewart

Keene Wolverines President

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