Keene Wolverines Give Back, News (Keene Wolverines)

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Dec 05, 2020 | Katie | 661 views
Keene Wolverines Give Back
Christmas is a time for family, friends and giving from the heart. It is a great time to reflect on how fortunate we are and the blessings we have. 
This year isn't quite the same for some people around the world and in our own community. 

That is why this year we are going to do a Keene Wolverine Give Back. After talking to some community members we have been told that there is a need for hand sanitizer and warm socks for the food cupboard and the seniors of Keene.

We are asking that our Wolverine families help to donate one of or both of these items to help out this Christmas. We will do the donation drive December 12th at the Keene Arena from 10:30 am until 2 pm. Then we will take the donations to Rev. Nancy Wilson at the Keene United Church to be distributed.

Santa and Mrs. Clause will also be doing a sleigh ride through Keene starting at 1pm the same day to say Merry Christmas and give out candy to anyone that would like to see them.

If anyone would like to help out by collecting donations on that day, or have any questions just let me know @ [email protected]

I hope everyone has a clean and cozy Christmas.

Theresa Trotter