Nov 04, 2020 | Katie | 697 views
GOOD NEWS - OMCC has moved to Stage 2
Here are a couple of more notable changes to Protocols going from Stage 1 to 2:
1. One family member/guardian per participant will now be permitted in the arena to spectate. The lobby will be used as a walk through area only, and is not available for spectating. We will have 2 accessible seating areas in the lobby if needed.
2. All teams/user groups will access to dressing rooms or the hall 15 minutes prior to your ice time and 15 minutes after your ice time. Spectators/parents/guardians are NOT permitted in dressing room areas.
3. Participants and spectators will enter through the south main entrance. Participants will be let in 15 minutes before rental time and parents will be let 5 minutes before rental time.