Wolverines parents and players,
We know that everyone is waiting to hear about the fate of our upcoming season.
Unfortunately at this point it's not our decision to make. One thing we do know is that hockey for the 20/21 hockey season will look much different than it has in previous years. This is a COVID-19 reality.
We are currently awaiting supportive direction from the OWHA
Together with these new guiding protocols, Keene Wolverines Hockey, under the guidance of our local Health authorities as well as our Municipality, will then be developing a plan to get our Wolverines back on the ice.
Many pieces make up this puzzle but everyone has the same intention, a safe return to hockey for our children and volunteers.
It is important to note that although it may appear that other organizations are moving forward in different ways, each organization has different factors to be considered. This can't be a one size all approach.
Please stay tuned in the upcoming weeks as we will update when new information becomes available.
In the meantime if you have not registered your player for the coming season we do ask that you go to the website and do so - this will help us in knowing our projected numbers and to plan for the season. On the reverse of this please know that due to the unknown of the season, at any time you may choose to not play and there will be no penalty for that but we would ask that you let us know as soon as possible.
Thanks for your understanding and continued support of Girls Hockey in Keene.
-Wolverines Hockey Executive